Auswahl1_ohne Hintergrund unscharf
Florian Straede, B.Sc.


Do you need help planning a new pelletizing system, would you like to upgrade an existing system through a retrofit, would you like to improve your spare parts inventory or the pelletizing process? Then you have come to the right place.


Over 20 years of experience within the plastics manufacturing and -processing industry help me to realize your project every day. I am highly specialized and have the expertise and vision to bring your requirements to life. My main focus is on customized solutions, tailored precisely to your requirements.

The difference

With me, every customer receives my full attention and does not get lost in the crowd. Your system is just as multifaceted as the user's requirements and must therefore be considered and designed in great detail.

I act independently of any provider and therefore have the freedom to weigh up systemic advantages and disadvantages and to suggest the best possible product to you. Together with you, I increase the security of a clean project execution and the subsequent smooth start of production.


Highly specialized in dealing with plastics processing and manufacturing processes, we offer you added value for the proactive optimization and maintenance of your systems

Design of die plates

Process optimization & Troubleshooting

Test and sampling support

Training & Workshops

Plant and manufacturer consulting

Project support and interim management

Spare parts inventory and procurement

Technical support & Service

Florian Straede

Plastics Technology Service & Solutions

Technical expertise

Process Solutions

Industrial sector

Basis für unser tiefreichendes Wissen über den Prozess von Extrusions- und Granulieranlagen bildet der industrielle Sektor. Hier fühlen wir uns zuhause und bedienen sowohl Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Recycling und Compounding, sowie der chemischen Industrie.

Process Optimization

Die Prozessoptimierung steht für uns im Vordergrund. Wir haben die Weitsicht, Ihren Prozess individuell zu begutachten und so entsprechende Optimierungsmaßnahmen einzuleiten.


Spare parts and new developments tailored to your needs.

With our verified partners, we enable cost-benefit optimal procurement.

Die plates & strand heads

We offer new production and revision, as well as the assessment, evaluation and design of new perforated plates.

Knives & Knive holder

It is essential to use high-quality knives that are tailored to the perforated plate.

Engineered parts

Is your system missing a special spare part? Our partners will be happy to help you obtain it.

Spare parts

As a full-service provider, we support you in identifying all necessary spare parts including procurement or storage as well as assembly.

Get in touch!

We will be happy to provide you with non-binding and realistic advice by phone or email.


+49 (0) 162 5115090



Kurt-Tietze-Str. 14 I 46325 Borken I Germany
